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A Light Switch to Turn off a Nebula With.
The Moon Hung Low Above the Little Red House
Outside the Window Venus Gradually Became Brighter the Closer it got to Jupiter.
A Seat to Sit on and Watch Andromeda Approaching.
The gravitational influence of the Earth was capable of slowing down the Moon's approach.
Exact counts of stars in the Double Cluster are somewhat uncertain.
A Team of Experts.
The globular cluster was held together by strings.
She told me that there was a cluster of stars beneath the floor, so we sat there and counted them.
Walking Towards Jupiter.

closer to earth, 2016

 this series of digital collages have been created with a combination of 35mm colour film and digital astrophotograpy. they are then printed as a single images. 

click on the image to enlarge and see individual image titles.



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